
for Parents/Guardians

Why consider Professional Appointees?

As a caring parent you want to do everything you can to help your children, but managing financial affairs for those who lack capacity can be a daunting, complicated and stressful process. From navigating the complicated benefits system, to overseeing payment of important bills such as electricity and heating. Even the simplest financial management can turn into a demanding daily task. Professional Appointees have the experts on hand to help and support in these areas smoothly and efficiently.

At Professional Appointees, we take over the burden of financial management allowing you to play the part of mum and dad again, rather than financial manager, safe in the knowledge that your child’s financial welfare is being well looked after, now and  into the future.

End of life planning

The best inheritance we can give our children is security and this is even more true if you have a child who is deemed mentally incapable of looking after their own financial affairs. Unfortunately, the harsh truth is that as parents we will not always be around to help, and so this makes end of life planning all the more important. Children with special needs, cognitive impairments or debilitating illnesses may require lifetime assistance, which necessitates that parents prepare for their child’s care after they are no longer with us or once they are unable to care for their loved ones any longer.

What needs to be considered?

Parents have to think about the potential needs of their surviving child. Will he or she require daily custodial care or ongoing medical treatments? Will their child live alone or in a group home? Can family assume some of the care? Who will pay the bills? Who will ensure they receive the correct benefits once you are no longer here?

Answers to these and other important questions can help form the vision of what you may need to plan for in areas such as your child’s medical care and financial future. By using an independent appointee you can be assured in the knowledge that your child’s financial affairs are in trusted hands now and into the future.

Professional Appointees Promise

Professional Appointees offers a clear, low cost fee structure for all of the above services. For just £800 per year Professional Appointees will take over all money management tasks,  from receiving and distributing benefits to ensuring that bills are paid on time.

As an organization we strive to empower the day-to-day lives of our service users. Professional Appointees act with integrity and fairness to ensure that any monetary decisions made for the client are the right ones, and in their best interests. Along with the added bonus of a personal bank account, service users can rest assured that they always have a point of contact and support regarding any financial matters, helping them to lead a more stress free life, safe in the knowledge their finances and welfare are in trusted hands.

Annual membership = £800

As a trusted, experienced and responsible financial management firm Professional Appointees promises to:

  • Balance your present and future needs with your loved one’s present and future needs
  • Create and implement personal care, financial and legal plans
  • Communicate such plans to all relevant persons
  • Review and revise plans as circumstances change
  • Assure family members that their loved one’s financial needs have been adequately addressed

How does it work?

Professional Appointees will provide:

  • Ongoing in-depth benefits assessments to ensure all potential benefits for your child are claimed quickly and effectively
  • A Professional Appointees bank account managed by a trusted appointee.
  • Ongoing support to identify and apply for further funding opportunities after you are gone.
  • Regular and ongoing contact with appointees to provide a tailored service dependent on the clients’ needs.
  • Ongoing collection and distribution of benefits as deemed fit by the trusted appointee.
  • Ongoing comprehensive benefit management, including the set-up of direct debits and standing orders and payments for general invoices, holidays and personal purchases.
  • Assessed and personalised weekly budgets.
  • Education, support, and training with regards to money management for all family members.


Professional Appointees offers a clear, low-cost fee structure for all of the above services. For just £800 per year, Professional Appointees will take over all money management tasks for your loved one, ensuring their financial affairs are looked after now and long into the future. As parents you can rest assured that your loved one will always have access to help with financial matters and you can have peace of mind knowing their financial affairs are in trusted hands long after you are gone.

Annual Membership = £800


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